Hot Desk

Book cover for 'Hot Desk'
Genre Fiction


Aug 2021
  • UK One More Chapter, HarperCollins

Same desk, different days.

A post-it note is just the beginning.

Alice loves her job and wants to keep it – whatever the price. But then she’s told the company is switching to flexible working and hot desking…Alice’s desk might look a mess, but she knows exactly where everything is. Or she did. Until she found out she’s going to share it with the most annoying guy in the office.

Jamie can work from anywhere. He’s quite happy to sweep his work life into a box at the end of the working day. But can sharing a desk with Alice be as much fun as teasing her in person?

With no option but to try it and see, will their relationship turn into open warfare or will it ever progress beyond a post-it note?

Other books by Zara Stoneley